I have never done fishing. Well, not since I was confined on wheelchair at least. I’ve been wanting to do this in fact and when the opportunity came during the CNY weekend, I grabbed on the borrowed rod and together with my wheelchair buddy and our respective spouses, we hit the road to the nearest lake. Ok, there’s one lake in front of the house but this one was like 5 minutes drive away. We brought along some great deal of junk food, canned drinks and mandarin oranges to dig in while waiting for the fish to hit the bait. So It was kind of a fishing trip cum picnic. Ok maybe it was more of the latter but the bottom line is we enjoyed each other’s company more than the fishing activity itself.
So anyway, here’s the chronology with pictures of the event that took place that morning.
Full of excitement
All geared up
In actionNothing yet
Err...10 minutes later
Another attempt
And finally, after a couple of eternity later...
Ok so it wasn’t exactly a good day to fish. Being an inexperienced angler, patience was something totally missing that morning. And with the sun shining right above our head, it didn’t help our mission of finding some nemos. With only several cute-sized fish caught, we decided to pack our rods and hit to the nearest Syed Bistro for some real good fish head curry.
Congratulations! On two counts! :)
Where lake did you fish?
Salam Kerp:
Wow! Thats good bro. A very good way of spending a long holiday with your friends.
Doesn't matter if you don't catch any fish( you can get a lot of that from the apek ikan,right?). Its the enjoyment of spending quality time(on junk food)with friends and your loved one that matters most. And you get the sun burning your skin and get the tan(LOL) and maybe a dose of fresh air(well maybe polluted with smokes and smogs).
Me.I've never gone fishing.But I like to sit and watch ppl fishing.Used to sit for hours at the Ayer Keroh lake watching ppl fishing or sometimes at those kolam memancing with a book and a soy drink.And I get excired when someone catches a fish.Macam lah aku yg dapat!
I have 2 brothers and several cousins who are hantu mancing. They take leave and rent a boat to go sea fishing. And they gave their bounty to friends and family!
Aku bela ikan dalam aquarium saja.Macam Shah laa....
Woa, what a whooper? Man with a catch that big, it must party time for everyone at the apartment with the leftover donated to a few orphanages?
Ok, ok I exaggerate a bit, just the apartment an an orphanage.
Anyway its the fun of the whole thing that counts not so much about landing that JAWS.
Ahh... so you ended up fishing at Syed Bistro, eh? Awat tak pi pasar, beli ikan and tayang to those at home? (Tapi janganlah beli ikan laut. Nampak benar pulak menipu... memancing kat tasek, bawa balik ikan laut!)
Fishing? Very punk rock . . .
kerp, that's an awfully BIG fish you caught. If I had to wait for you to fish and cook dinner, sure mati kelaparan kekeke!!
Thanks man. it was a lake near aunty maria’s place. Behind kelana seafood. And I believe vk lingam lives around there.
Yea, in fact tha was the whole idea. To spend the holiday together as my wheelbuddy’s wife and pinky are close. So it wasn’t difficult for an impromptu outing.
Actually I was like you doc. Got a little bored after half an hour I decided to retreat to the shade, lighten a cigarette and had a drink or 2 while watching some other anglers in action. That was fun too….hehehe
Yes, tes, such huge catch we brought it along to syed bistro and make some curry out of its head..hehehehe…
Like I said to docta, it wasn’t pre-planned but wasn’t difficult to make plans with the other couple. It was a pleasant morning.
Kak Pi,
Hehehe…some of us had ikan kurau at the bistro. Kira boleh la tu. Even my mom laughed at us when we came back empty handed.
Kira bolehla for first time experience.
I swear there was some punk rock flavor to this fishing trip. Had some dropkick murphys’ tune being played on my phone while waiting for the stupid fish to hit the bait.
Hahahha…hey, that was commendable for a first-timer, you know. Wait till I gather enough interest to try deep-sea fishing, am sure to catch at least a lousy mackerel.
Salam sdr.
Tahniah! Saya memang tak suka memancing, tapi suka tengok gelagat orang memancing. Hehehe!
Oh ya! Baru saya perasan, kerusi roda sdra berwarna kuning rupanya ya... :)
Salam bro,
For a moment, before I saw the pictures, I thought you were recounting the fishing tale at an asylum...
But hey, I use to love fishing myself but had no buddies to go with. By the time I found them, I also found a new hobby. But, should I suddenly find myself as a multi millionaire, I would definitely take you for marlin fishing...if ever I become one lah!
Still, great to see you have fun.
fooh! action, pegi memancing belakang kedai seafood. me, tak pernah cuba memancing. the last time a friend bagi ikan dia pancing, punyalah besar, serik betul nak menyiang ikan tu. my favourite, talapia.
Salam wak BP,
Mekasih...memang seronok tgk orang lain mincing, lagi2 yang dah berpengalaman. Lagipon duduk tepi tasik ke, laut ke, menyamankan.
*kerusi roda nyong tak berapa ‘bersih’ la wak…hehehe
it was rather a fishy tale I tell ya…hehehe..
only a lousy deep-sea fishing when you have like billion bucks at your disposal? Ok, this better be somewhere off the Hawaiian shore. I shall have 5 micronesian chics around me while I fish.
Kak E!
They told me I’d get at least some tilapias. Yang dapat ikan comel je. Ntah species apa ntah.
This lake btw, Is very nearby aunty maria’s house. Less than 5 minutes drive from her house.
Yo dude! Pls check out the Gauchos video I posted on me blog under the heading "The Kids Are Allrite".
Fooking awesome metal from a bunch of pre-teens who have taken youtube by storm.
Everyone is invited to have a look & I absolutely GUARANTEE the antics of the four-year old girl will have you in stitches!
U wanna escape the sun..Go fishing in the nite la..Haiya itu pun tataw ka?? haha..
My cousins and some of our friends go wishing wen we're stoning man..Damn chunted
Ikan semua balik kampung la Kerp!!! Cuti 4 hali wooo.....
My sons kalau fishing pun can get more tau! But errr... the one yg battery operated tu, ikan pusing2 nganga mulut tu. Have you seen that toy before? Beli la (kat Tesco ada jual)- practice dulu before gi Tasik. hehehe....
p/s Kayu kat D'sara ek? Hmmm... you never know.... CHAKK !!!
Ok chief, will do. the soonest.
Good idea but i cant stand the fuckin mozzies la. unless i get stoned myself. screw that man. dadah musuh negara...hehehehhe
ahh, that particular fishing toy is a real classic. almost every kid has it. even more colourful than nemo and his gay friends..hehhe...
*ok, whenever DocTA here in KL, i'll drop you an email. if you're around and not travelling, do try to spring us a surprise. how about that?
Baru sampai, muka happy n penuh semangat. 10min later, dah muka boring and 12min later, TIDUR! hahahha. next time bawak payung ok Kerp. duduk memancing bawah matahari memang rasa nak tidur.
iv only done it once in NZ, at a jetty. it was cold so not too bad tho i smell terrible after tht n not to mention tht i hate touching/putting the baits. yikes!
Salam bro...
Good moments you have there bro! Way to go..you should have more of those activities...
Finally, you got one! Eh Have you heard about this petua that if you go fishing and you want to catch more fish you need to wear your undewear 'terbalik'? Hahahahaha...
I have a kind of respect for anglers you know because they need to learn to have patience with waiting for the fish to catch the bait...
take care and love you lots bro!
Lah...apasal tak ajak? Wait seminit.....dah ajak, tp x dpt dtg. So, whats next?
Eh, I was really excited you know. I could barely sleep the night before…hehehe..and what have you girls got against some slimy worms btw?
I do, huh? I’m awesome for you, ma sistah!
Kak D,
Amid the heat, we had a blast. And sure to have more such activity lining up.
Oh and the petua, what makes you think I had one on? Hehehe…love you too, sister.
There you go, bro. you missed the sun…I mean, fun. Hehhehe…
But no worries, will keep you informed of my whereabouts. At the moment takde plan lagi la bang.
*eh, I saw you on tele last couple of nights..in bosnia…
Waaaaa...was that an ikan bilis that you got?!!! Hehehe...(Ouucchhh!!!)
Ikan semua dah habis la, Kerp - Kelana Seafood dah tangkap semua buat masak Sweet n Sour for the CNY Makan Besar...
Kak Shana,
you're mean!
but quite ok what, for a first-timer. I do too, have some gut feeling Kelana Seafood has sucked in all the whoppers and leave the little nemos to breed. interesting theory...
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