Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Gardening part III

I don’t know about you folks but I’m very much still in festive mood. Since however, I have some issues with our cabinet ministers a.k.a the so-called VIPs that needs to be straightened out, I thought I’d take a break from the celebration, take a swipe at them and will be on my way again.

I have long accepted the fact I’m not a VIP. Which means if I had attended the PM’s annual open house do recently, I wont get to enjoy raya goodies in the comfort of VIP’s section that separates these bastards from the people.

And these are the same bunch claiming to be people’s leaders?

Come on tell me, why the need to have a special room for these lot, instead of mingling around, or queuing up for food for that matter just like hordes of attendees did that day?

To be quite honest, I personally couldn’t see the rationale behind this VIP room thing when the event was supposed to be one of the rare occasions when these fellas should instead mix around, rubbing shoulders with the people or simply sit next to an average joe for a meal or two.

I refuse to use the word commoner on us. That’d only make those fuckers feel more important than the crowd, who took the trouble enduring long queues just to catch a glimpse of our so-called big-shot leaders.

Well, get this; Fuck all cabinet ministers. Maaf zahir dan batin.


Anba said...

Sometimes its for security reason and most of the time its just a reminder for us all that we are still the small people and they are the big leaders...

Unknown said...

Well actually there are special rooms for these arseholes because they need a private place to count their duit rayas.

Tinesh said...

Im happy this flers got private rooms all.. If they mingle with the commoners then their moronitis disease might spread to us. Aku tak nak jadi bodoh! :P

Anonymous said...

Salam Kerp,
Selamat Hari Raya sekali lagi.
Sebenarnya saya pun rasa begitu, cuma tak sampai hati nak luahkan perasaan tersebut. Tapi jika difikirkan semula, rakyat juga yang jadika mereka begitu..(yang ngundi depalah).
Bila dah merasa seperti berada di kayangan tu, buat mereka lupa dunia dan walau ramai dah tak suka, masih nak pegang jawatan itu lagi.

moz:spurs afraid? said...

tuan kerpluvchenko,

at first after reading cikgu KTN's posting on the "businessman-meeting-ministers-in-private-room" sketch and bellowing the prerequisite guttural bellyscrap laugh, i took it as just that. a good piece of humour. until yer posting that is. i never figured that there could in fact be an actual VIP room. hmm, interesting fact there bro, which makes the chegu's hypothesis that much more er..poignant..no make that protruding.
like a mohawk on cabinet mister
sorry correction;
like mohawked pubic hair on a C.M.'s testies.

all together now
"OI! OI! OI! siga saga siga saagaa OIIIII"

now..where did i put em goddam modified kneelength modified steelcapped safetyboots (a-la pricey in malaysia docmarts).

gotta start kicking arse.
(kerp? i literally meant arse. no pun intented okay :))) )

p.s. to add to chegu's hypothesis, i'd add like to throw in also the odd one or five gold lable JW's, a deck of cards, montecarlo chips and oh yeah..some bigboobed cigar bearing waitresses a-la JJ...i meant Jenna Jameson da dei...

p.s.1 - the play on the nick is corrupted from one of me fav songs of mine - girl afraid? wonder what charmingly morose lines the moz would have strewn about had he a situation such as ours
fornicating before him :)))

anfield devotee said...

Besides the peaceful protestors (Hindraf & Free RPK contigent); anyone who thought it necessary to queue fer hours to wish the cabinet selamat hari raya deserves to be treated like idiots.

Kerp (Ph.D) said...


I think its more on the latter. Security my ass, they’re surrounded by their bodyguards 24/7 la bro.


That reminds me of one gas chamber room, courtesy of zorro. Now that’s where these assholes rightly belong.


If that’s the case then they should be quarantined. Kemunting would be fitting.

Pak zab,

Wsalam pak zab. Salam aidilfitri lagi sekali.

Saya rasa bila rakyat yang mengundi mereka, maka rakyat jugalah yang sepatutnya dilayan seperti boss. Bukankah mereka dipilih untuk berkerja untuk rakyat?


In a way, I was inspired by that particular posting. No body does it better than cikgu la to be honest.

*coming from a spurs fan, you can deny but I take it it was intentional. As I said in sms la, no footie for the next 2 weeks…muahahaha…


couldn’t agree more. They’d love to believe they get to rub shoulders with the host(s). I too, would like to believe PM would personally serve food for me.

senorita.. said...

they have what....? private room..? woah... didnt know that!

monsterball said...

You mus be hopping mad ...to fuck all ministers.
I do not have that type of energy.
I fuck one by one....starting with Dollah...and botak...most of all..on the ISA matters.
Great to see you in such high spirit!

Kerp (Ph.D) said...

Ms Lim,

yes, and these are the so-called people's leaders.

mr goh,

yea, the leader shld be the first to be booted out. 'work with me' my crippled foot!

Mior Azhar said...


Well said... dah lama nak write about this anyway... and Selamat hari Raya and Maaf Zahir Batin

Kerp (Ph.D) said...

bang mior,

thanks. we should scrap this vip thing since forever. we vote them in and they're our bosses? macam tak kena je situ...

maaf zahir batin bang mior, juga kak yan dan anak2.

the Constantly Dramatic One said...

Private room? For what? To group jerk off?

Anyways, your sexy ass have been tagged.

Also, I think a spammer from your blog "ruyom" came to mine. He spammed my "Hater" post. I did a little answering to his comment.

Irritating skank whore.

Kerp (Ph.D) said...


i've been tagged. will check it out in a bit.

Salt N Turmeric said...

Im commenting on 1 of your reader's comment Kerp.

Firstly, i think its not fair labelling those ppl queueing as idiots or deserves to be treated like idiots. If you dont wanna go, dont. But ridiculing other people for doing it is disgusting. The open house was for Hari Raya, celebrated by muslims and joined by others. It's called open hse but it doesnt mean you can go and insult the host/hostess. You are invited by them and the least you could do is wishing them selamat hari raya. Only those kurang ajar wont do it.

Secondly, dont forget that open house is our culture. Nobody else have it (and we have it often) but us, Malaysian.

Name me other 'perfect' countries that have the same concept (or similar) where the food is free, everybody is invited and you get to meet the ministers, sultans/agung during Eid, Deepavali, CNY and Xmas. Can you?

Kerp, biarlah the vips mingle with them kind. Do you really want to mingle w them and follow protocols semua? Yg penting, you get to meet the host and hostess. ;) Other guests tu biaq pi lah.

Anonymous said...

Dear Salt N' Turmeric,

hi howsit going? This is moz. a mate of kerp's.

listen, i'm not the one who wrote that comment. however, i do find it rather shortsighted that you don't see where the author of that comment and the "garderner" of this blog is coming from.

i know both of 'em on a personal basis. and believe you me from the outpourings of thoughts, emotions and searing insights they are at the deep end of the pool, far from being shallow. maybe at times a little insensitive, but they are highly matured individuals whom you could have a decent conversation with on wide range of topics, and controversial ones at that too, with a smile in place. even i can't do that.

now see that viewpoint? with the current breed of sarkas politicians spinning the country into a merry-go-round of sorts, one cannot help smellin the burnt frustration; a comment no doubt forged by the countless acts of ..uh..how should we say...acts of insulting the intelligence of the average malaysian joe/joejette.

i guess what the author is trying to put across - is that the current breed don't deserve the respect that people are getting. not in the vein of a tun hussein onn or a tun dr.ismail or if your prefer a tun mahathiaq. thats all.

but to the extent of finding the author's comment in "ridiculing" the people as digusting and not being polite to the host as "kurang ajaq", well, i think you should get into some perspective and look at from the creaky shutters of an average malaysian joe, malay,chinese or indian, living in the country, trying and tiring to make ends meet for the himself, the family and the future - some even working the two jobs to get by. you should look at from the angle of an OKU who's searing frustrations and unending efforts in getting that right for a measly farkin ramp (amongst other DESERVING rights) starknaked smackbang front,row and centre out in parliament or any echelons of the goverment; a noble effort, commendable to say the least.

i think you need some perspective.
it has irked me to the extent i could not confound nor confine it within me not to write.

having said that, i have checked out your blog and found it quite interesting, informative and well written with unique insights from a different perspective. am appreciative of that wihout a doubt. cheers, take care. keep on steaming.

kerp/AD: sorry, had to rant. could not accept it.


Daphne Ling said...


Hah...Suddenly all this politically stuff seems light-years away...

Over here, I, er, don't even know who the PM is...I think it's Stephen Harper?

Just goes to show how out of touch I am with the whole 'politics' thingy...

Doesn't matter. I'm happier not hearing all the bickering and wondering how come some people made it to parliament...

Monster Mom said...

VIP room? Wow... How nice...
At the end of the day, everyone of us will go to the one and only room. Let's see if those VIP got any special room from God.

pistolair said...

Rosmah Bakal Perdana Menteri Malaysia? – Bahagian Satu: Belanja Lumayan, Anak Suami Tak Dilayan

Sebelum rakyat dan ahli-ahli UMNO memberi sokongan kepada Dato' Seri Najib Tun Razak sebagai Presiden Parti dan Perdana Menteri negara, wajarlah tingkahlaku dan dosa anak Perdana Menteri kedua Malaysia ini diselidiki sepenuhnya. Tolak ketepi dahulu kebarangkalian pengbabitannya dengan pembunuhan ngeri Altantuya Sharibuu yang mengaibkan kerajaan Malaysia di mata dunia. Imbasan ringkas sejarah busuk Najib dan isterinya Rosmah sudah cukup untuk mengajar kita betapa bahaya parti dan negara jatuh ke tangan gandingan suami-isteri (atau lebih sesuai, ISTERI-suami) ini.

Belum sempat keperitan hati keluarga mangsa-mangsa Helikopter Nuri diubati, kronisme dan nepotisme Najib-Rosmah terserlah dengan penggantian Nuri dengan Eurocopter, meskipun ia merupakan model paling mahal sejauh 25% dan tidak diuji medan perang. Mengapa Najib sewaktu menjadi Menteri Pertahanan sekian lama enggan memeterai perjanjian untuk Sikorsky Blackhawk yang jauh lebih murah dan mempunyai rekod cemerlang di zon-zon perang?

Jawapannya datang dalam bentuk seorang adik bernama Nazim Razak yang muncul berkecimpung dalam isu-isu pertahanan negara sungguhpun merupakan seorang arkitek. Dengan rangkaian luasnya dengan pencipta-pencipta Eurocopter, Nazimlah sebenarnya yang menandatangani perjanjian Eurocopter sekaligus meraih komisen besar sewaktu rakyat Malaysia sibuk memikirkan kos sara hidup yang kian meningkat.

Yang cukup membimbangkan kita, sebenarnya bukan Najib yang berkomplot langsung dengan adiknya Nazim dalam hal Eurocopter ini. Tetapi isterinya Rosmah, yang berkelakuan seperti wanita sihir atau "witch" dalam cerita kanak-kanak Inggeris! Rosmah cukup bijak; wanita durjana ini menghabiskan wang yang diberi Nazim, untuk bersuka ria di London. Siapa tak kenal Rosmah dan perangai borosnya itu di negara perantauan. Dalam satu kes, cukai-tambah-nilai sahaja dilaporkan oleh penguatkuasa di England sebanyak 50, 000 pound (sekitar RM350 000)! Jika cukainya yang tak sampai 20% pun sudah bernilai RM350 ribu bayangkanlah berapa tinggi nilai sebenar perbelanjaannya.

Tak cukup lagi dengan keborosan di kedai-kedai mewah di London, Rosmah juga menghabiskan RM 500 ribu untuk pembedahan plastik dan botox di London tahun lepas. Jika tak percaya, lihat sajalah wajah wanita sihir itu dulu dan sekarang; mustahil cukup tempe di Malaysia ini!

Mungkin sikap Rosmah ini tidaklah memeranjatkan, jika kita lihat sejarahnya yang lampau. Sudahlah mencuri suami orang (Najib pada awalnya berkahwin dengan Tunku Puteri), Rosmah cuba sedaya upaya menghalang Najib untuk menghadiri majlis akad nikah anaknya sewaktu bersama Tunku Puteri, Nizar Najib bersama anak usahawan mahsyur dan bekas Exco Wanita UMNO Malaysia Dato' Maznah Hamid. Kuatnya pengaruh Rosmah ke atas suaminya, Najib hampir-hampir akur dengan saranan Rosmah untuk tidak ke majlis tersebut.

Setakat ini sahaja bahagian satu siri Rosmah Bakal Perdana Menteri Malaysia. Tiga isu yang dikupas setakat ini:

1) Perjanjian kronisme Eurocopter yang menguntungkan Rosmah
2) Perbelanjaan lumayan Rosmah di London (wang rakyat!!)
3) "Queen Control" hinggakan perkahwinan anak sah Najib pun tidak direstuiRosmah Bakal Perdana Menteri Malaysia? – Bahagian Satu: Belanja Lumayan, Anak Suami Tak Dilayan

Sebelum rakyat dan ahli-ahli UMNO memberi sokongan kepada Dato' Seri Najib Tun Razak sebagai Presiden Parti dan Perdana Menteri negara, wajarlah tingkahlaku dan dosa anak Perdana Menteri kedua Malaysia ini diselidiki sepenuhnya. Tolak ketepi dahulu kebarangkalian pengbabitannya dengan pembunuhan ngeri Altantuya Sharibuu yang mengaibkan kerajaan Malaysia di mata dunia. Imbasan ringkas sejarah busuk Najib dan isterinya Rosmah sudah cukup untuk mengajar kita betapa bahaya parti dan negara jatuh ke tangan gandingan suami-isteri (atau lebih sesuai, ISTERI-suami) ini.

Belum sempat keperitan hati keluarga mangsa-mangsa Helikopter Nuri diubati, kronisme dan nepotisme Najib-Rosmah terserlah dengan penggantian Nuri dengan Eurocopter, meskipun ia merupakan model paling mahal sejauh 25% dan tidak diuji medan perang. Mengapa Najib sewaktu menjadi Menteri Pertahanan sekian lama enggan memeterai perjanjian untuk Sikorsky Blackhawk yang jauh lebih murah dan mempunyai rekod cemerlang di zon-zon perang?

Jawapannya datang dalam bentuk seorang adik bernama Nazim Razak yang muncul berkecimpung dalam isu-isu pertahanan negara sungguhpun merupakan seorang arkitek. Dengan rangkaian luasnya dengan pencipta-pencipta Eurocopter, Nazimlah sebenarnya yang menandatangani perjanjian Eurocopter sekaligus meraih komisen besar sewaktu rakyat Malaysia sibuk memikirkan kos sara hidup yang kian meningkat.

Yang cukup membimbangkan kita, sebenarnya bukan Najib yang berkomplot langsung dengan adiknya Nazim dalam hal Eurocopter ini. Tetapi isterinya Rosmah, yang berkelakuan seperti wanita sihir atau "witch" dalam cerita kanak-kanak Inggeris! Rosmah cukup bijak; wanita durjana ini menghabiskan wang yang diberi Nazim, untuk bersuka ria di London. Siapa tak kenal Rosmah dan perangai borosnya itu di negara perantauan. Dalam satu kes, cukai-tambah-nilai sahaja dilaporkan oleh penguatkuasa di England sebanyak 50, 000 pound (sekitar RM350 000)! Jika cukainya yang tak sampai 20% pun sudah bernilai RM350 ribu bayangkanlah berapa tinggi nilai sebenar perbelanjaannya.

Tak cukup lagi dengan keborosan di kedai-kedai mewah di London, Rosmah juga menghabiskan RM 500 ribu untuk pembedahan plastik dan botox di London tahun lepas. Jika tak percaya, lihat sajalah wajah wanita sihir itu dulu dan sekarang; mustahil cukup tempe di Malaysia ini!

Mungkin sikap Rosmah ini tidaklah memeranjatkan, jika kita lihat sejarahnya yang lampau. Sudahlah mencuri suami orang (Najib pada awalnya berkahwin dengan Tunku Puteri), Rosmah cuba sedaya upaya menghalang Najib untuk menghadiri majlis akad nikah anaknya sewaktu bersama Tunku Puteri, Nizar Najib bersama anak usahawan mahsyur dan bekas Exco Wanita UMNO Malaysia Dato' Maznah Hamid. Kuatnya pengaruh Rosmah ke atas suaminya, Najib hampir-hampir akur dengan saranan Rosmah untuk tidak ke majlis tersebut.

Setakat ini sahaja bahagian satu siri Rosmah Bakal Perdana Menteri Malaysia. Tiga isu yang dikupas setakat ini:

1) Perjanjian kronisme Eurocopter yang menguntungkan Rosmah
2) Perbelanjaan lumayan Rosmah di London (wang rakyat!!)
3) "Queen Control" hinggakan perkahwinan anak sah Najib pun tidak direstui

cakapaje said...

Salam bro,

Among the many things you have written, I like your last statement best :)

Kerp (Ph.D) said...

Hi farina my dear sister,

Maybe it was selfish of me to not see it from other people’s viewpoint but whether I am for or against your 2sen is a different matter altogether. I am not good and thinking of points to counter argue an issue. I’ll just leave it at that, by sticking to what I had written. We’re cool, aren’t we, sis? Hehe…


Same goes to you brother. Without getting into the issue again, I think everyone has an opinion of their own. Not that I’m not open to a debate but I’d love to skip this one out…hehehe…


I’ve tried but this particular topic keeps knocking on. For some reason, I’ve accidentally opened up a can of of worms…aiyaahhh…

*Canada PM- Miterrand, bukan ke? Muahahaha…

Monster Mommy,

At the end of the day, everyone will be equal. Duduk sama rendah, diri sama tinggi. VIP became an earthly matter….ahhh


Which one? The ‘fuck the ministers” part? hehehehe

Salt N Turmeric said...

Excuse me again Kerp,

"listen, i'm not the one who wrote that comment. however, i do find it rather shortsighted that you don't see where the author of that comment and the "garderner" of this blog is coming from"

Moz, regardless of where we come from, what our political stands are or our race or our religion for all that matters, who are we if we dont respect other people? How can other people respect you when you dont respect other people?

"i guess what the author is trying to put across - is that the current breed don't deserve the respect that people are getting. not in the vein of a tun hussein onn or a tun dr.ismail or if your prefer a tun mahathiaq. thats all."

If you read my earlier comment, I was commenting on him saying those people deserves to be treated like idiots. Why exactly is that so? because they choose to respect the host/hostess that YOU dont respect? My point is simple, you dont like them, dont attend their functions. But what right do you have to call them idiots because they do? How would you feel if someone comes to your house and insult your other guests just because they waited to salam with you? If that happens to you, im sure you'd be singing a different tune and would be the first one tellimg them that they are indeed kurang ajar. And that's exactly what the commenter wrote. Dont insult the guests (who are the regular joes and janes) just because you hate the host. Or worse, dont insult the host that invited you. you wouldn want your guests to insult you, would you?

Please do not twist my words because you dont like what I wrote. I may not share your views but telling me that i need some perspective just because i dont share yours is uncalled for. We were talking abt guests at the open house, not about other incidents.

Speaking of perspective, i bitched and complained about everything Msia before i moved here. Some ppl working 2 jobs? A lot of ppl here are working 3-4 jobs just to pay the bills and health insurance. A lot of old people are STILL working just to pay bills and buy foods. So yeah, my perspectives HAVE changed. I now realise how good we have it back home. Life may not be rosy back home but it is no way as bad as here. Unless of course if you have lotsa money.

I dont know any politicians or reporters or the big kahunas. But i do know the regular joes and janes and they are my friends. yes im angry with some of them politicians but you are so blinded with hatred and anger that all you see in my comment is the word 'kurang ajar' and 'ridiculing' instead of where the words go. That, is unfair.

Kerp (Ph.D) said...

hi farinaa,

looks like i've opened up a can full of shitworm. but you're free to have your say here, and i can assure you that. the floor's all yours, sis.

Anonymous said...

Dear Salt N'Turmeric,

Hey, howsit going mate? and listen thanks for the reply you hear me, as in any blogpostings that i drivel through your views are much appreciated :) after all, it serves the purpose of this good blog in airing one’s perspectives; albeit skewered as mine.

With that, due to the apathetic constraints of time, will strive to get my views across without any nuances:

1.point: not sharing your perspectives
read yer comments and guess what?
It precipitated an unexpected hogwash of
languid introspectiveness; a
self-psychoanalysis of sorts, if you can call it that – mwhaha;
a pang of hypocrisy followed, churning the bowels intermittently

See, the good part about comin up the ranks in anything we do, be it work, marriage or life in general, you tend to always gauge things from varied angles. You tend to switch to the flipside of a coin and see where its coming or rather, where it would land either
Kepale; or
metaphorically speaking.

Now my point is this, as a zealously staunch proponent of an individual’s right to espouse their thoughts and emotive countenances in a constructive manner, however down-to-earth, humorous, incredulous, egoistical or in the context of the postings of yours truly – downright silly and shy-less, bordering on spastic muketembok renditions of neil diamond tracks :)
It is essentially just that – a persons right; a prerogative, privilege and a god-give right almost sacred in all its many facts.

However, I have also learnt that it is a right that deserves to be nurtured, cultured and protected to preserve its sanctity. I learnt it through my self-arrogance – thanks to experienced blogger friend going by the moniker 23.psi.com/nick M cheers mate.

It’s not my right; or Anybodyelse’s to bury
your much appreciated view;
In short – it aint anybody’s
Right save
You unto your own.

Having said that I humbly apologize for the call to arms for perspectives, true that was uncalled for and unnecessary and I do regret if it has caused frayed nerves at your end, if it so did. A tad too voracious on my part, I must admit – however, my point stays as what it is meant to be – a viewpoint. I regret the overture.

One thing still gnaws me minutely though, pray tell – your espousal on that individual’s comments of visitors being idiots? Would that not
qualify as shall we say a
disagreement of opinions; or
should I say uhm perspectives?
Would that not register as a point made
by your goodself as “not sharing the views of the other”;
and thus culminating in
valid (very valid) espousal of your thoughts?
Probably not as vehement as mine; but still an honest
and frank and I’d like to reiterate valid.

See my point?

Point 2: the perspective itself
So you must want to know why I started ranting right? I’ll tell you anyway mwhahahah. Thing i know the blokes in the sense that I have met, mingled and talked to them in person. Regardless of the insights and views which may seem, a tad staunch at times, they never striked me a folk who are downright rude or uncourteous, in fact far from it. See, the thing about us folk, malaysians in general, we may hate the guts of a fella to the point of a teethgrinding obsession, but the thing is this – if through some unfortunate twist of fate we come face to the face with the “sleepy kahuna” – do you honestly think they’d start yelling at the get-go and pissing off their grievances – without the obligatory “selamat pagi datuk seri, dah makan? Amacam sihat?”
Mind you, I’d like to reiterate, it was just an opinion, a viewpoint.
It just got me a little upset, that the views were viewed in negative light;
when they themselves are far from it.
I certainly agree, with you I wouldn’t like it a guest were to come to my house and be rude and uncourteous (actually most of them are after the odd beer or 3..mwahhahaha). kidding, kidding. Things I am blessed with not many friends, but really good mates; some from childhood days and from a different racial connotations. They kind that have stuck with me through thick and think. As such, you are right I am not fit to comment but hey hang on how’s about the perspective that came on the day itself?

Point 3: the perspective on the day
2 groups showed up that day on the raya; the free-RPK ground and the hindraf. Now, let it be herein stated, I am not pro-hindraf nor RPK, nor am a belligerent blind believer neither am I fearsome protagonist of revolution a la senor CHE; but see how that got twisted? Oh hey, I’m not complaining against it, but it humoured me. It could have been seen as:
a) As a peaceful visit by opposition-“tainted” personas who come in peace with an offering;
b) As a citizen of the nation showing up to pay his respects to their leader (?); OR
c) As blokes just comin’ from some free overpriced govt funded festive food?

Instead, the “view” certainly put an interesting spin or things did it not?
I do not have blind hatred for anything mate (except the gunners hehee);
I am just so incessantly disillusioned with the
utter stupidity they make us (the people)
out to be.
What irks me is that people actually go around
preaching these untoward facts
as gospel.
Now that’s blind faith.
Long lunch break over. Gotta run. Cheers mate.

Very appreciatively,
really sorry with the long comments blog gardener - very bad at getting my point through in short tight spaces.