But screw the unfavourable result; the experience of sitting literally next to the track tops the whole shebang.
While on our back, escorted by ehem ehem all the way to the city I told Mr MuteAudio, my driver of the day, that bragging about it was compulsory.
But I think I’ll spare you losers the details of the VIP treatment we received throughout. Suffice to say the organisers did an extremely good job.
And my initial worry of inaccessibility was unfounded. SIC, being the venue for international events is indeed, wheelchair-friendly.
Thanks to Celcom to have made it happen. I’d love to get one of those superb Storm BlackBerrys, but that may require me to break the bank, and end up living on a tight budget for the next, err… two years.

Pic stolen from Tony
bagus tu bro. tapi aper perlu risau, tahun-tahun kebelakangan Frank William datang relax je.
takper. Next year aku try test the water pulak.
Glad you enjoyed yerself. so did you manage to chat up any of them hot chicks who usually turn up at F1 or did the mighty kerp charm fail to make its mark?
What? No pics of you and the grid girls?!
frank william lain bang. dia VIP, confirm dpt 1st class treatment.
Bala Ji,
i did actually. in fact they were the ones making the first move to break the ice. chicks from celcom, carlsberg, ferrari...all the promo girls la...hahaha...
kak Pi,
seriouslly la, why didnt i think of that?
eh, ye lah kerp. tak ambik gambar ke kat sana kerp?
...but I am quite sure the girls were drooling over you, or were you drooling over them haha!! Wow..next to the racetrack, guess, that's as good as it gets! ..but I am no fan, but glad you had some fun :D MK
bro, how could i have missed spotting u haha! were u in the Celcom suite?
Salam kerpie,
Whoa! You got go Sepang race ar? Caya lah sama lu. But while you were sitting in the rain, I was having my own race along the North South Highway :)
Kak E!
ada ambik gambar tapi bnyk dgn bloggers je. tak terfikir pulak nak berhambar dgn Grid/promo girls...hehehe...
eh dont la, you make me blush...hehehe...actually i had the best of both worlds. during the flag off i was at the stand with the common people but when it got too hot i went inside the corporate box, get myself pampered while enjoying the race in the comfort of an air conditioned room...hehehe...
yes bro, i was lucky enough to be invited by celcom and enjoy first class treatment thanks to dato shazali ramly, the celcom boss. it was pack like hell la, i didnt even spot Karima and some friends who claimed to be there.
sitting in the rain? sorry la bro, aku duduk dalam corporate suite, cuci mata nengok promo girls....hehehe...
Kerpie! U dirty.........Keeping all the grid girls pics to yerself? Better start sharing before we flood your blog with.....unwanted staff!
jokes aside, F1 circus is heavens for upskirt voyeurs...muahahaha...
it was raining chicks me tells ya. from grid/promo girls to tourists to local bombshells. not a place to take your spouse to...
Kerp, I know what u're talking abt. I have been there before and the eyes had a really good workout!
As for voyeurism, i went there during the first F1 in 1999(I think) and the phones were only meant fer making and receiving calls. Never went again cos more comfortable to watch at home.
PS : Don forget to pass me the voyeur recordings next time we meet! Haha!
Kerp: Did you drop the little pencil sharpener (the ones with mirrors) on the floor? hehehehe
I still have fond memories of everyone in my class doing that during one of our classes coz the teacher always wore tight mini skirts. So you put it at the bottom at one ocrner of your table and when the teachers comes to your table to check your Homework... mmmmmmmm
and suddenly the tppic swtiches to voyeurism. just great...hehehe...
sorry to disappoint you but no, i didnt take any upskirt shots. the coast was not clear enough to execute my evil plan.
so there's some truth to my belief, that we are voyeurs deep inside us...hehehe...
back then i used a palm-size mirror to look up fellow classmate's pinafore. my teachers were all too old for me liking...muahahaha...
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