I’m sure we’ve all seen one of those warning signboard that says ‘Trespassers Will Be Shot’ noticeably hung on fences of a private property somewhere. Now I wish similar punishment could also be applied to those inconsiderate car owners who have no qualms at abusing disabled parking spots.
The problem has always been to catch these bastards red-handed.
Its never easy I tell you that, and it doesn’t help when you have kayu security guards sleeping on their job.
Last week however my break came and it was one those rare occasions I get to exercise my rights, telling the driver straight in the face.
Here’s the thing. The wheelchair-designated parking spots in this one hypermarket we usually frequent were never vacant. But regardless of whether the driver’s a cripple does not matter because I can’t simply be jumping the gun and started shitting on his car hood.
But as luck would have it that day, one of the parking spots was available only to be beaten to it by a car in front of us. And sure enough, not 1 but 3 able-bodied African dudes coolly alighted the car and walks away as if their Tok Wan owns the supermarket.
Then bang! it happened. I shot ‘em 3 goons with my trusted Tommy gun, hitting them right on the forehead and rejoiced the moment all 3 hit the ground...
...Ok seriously, here's what actually happened.
I got down and yelled out at the driver to remove his junk somewhere.
Oh oh...but get this- he had the cheek to believe he was innocent and had not violated any law even with a huge OKU signboard clearly erected in front of his vehicle.
I mean, duuuuude...if you really are visually impaired then by all means man, the fucking space is all yours.
But no, some people just had to argue even when they realise they don’t stand a chance. Hard as they try, the not-so-good will always triumph over evil.
The driver especially, stood there with two minds after I made it clear he can either go on shopping and risk getting his car clamped or does the right thing by vacating the parking space.
Maybe the thought of the yellow clamping thing made him do the right thing and spared any damages from being done.
Except for bruised ego. I mean, cool homeys don’t get no rap from no crip on wheels, know what I’m sayin’?
Hey, I was merely exercising my rights. What’s equally important is this episode should at least instil some sense of awareness to those involved and witnessed it.
Its about time society jacks their level of awareness a notch up.
And a harsher punishment similar to the trespassing law should effectively do the trick.