To that animal responsible, I may not know you. or maybe I do. But whoever you are, let me tell you this. i have located your IP address. Don’t be surprised to receive a call, not from the police as yet, but me. No way i'm gonna let you off the hook. I just cant wait to pick up the phone and call you names. I already have words that best suits you lined up. Here’s a preview. BABI.
A staggering rm320 worth of dial-up access used in one month. What the hell did you surf on? You bastard, your mom’s a whore.
And here’s to you.

Salam Bro!
My first time here, having read about you in Rocky's Bru - salam perkenalan.
In several ways, we have much in common. But unlike the costly intrusion you suffered by (?) doing, it did not cost me anything Still, I lost 3 yahoo email accounts when they were hijacked and subsequently deleted by yahoo!; addresses I have built faithfully over several years.
Keep up your good work. - Amir
Danny, switch to the other servers where you cannot be tracked. I am told by reliable sources that being home-based has its security disadvantages. Go gmail, yahoo or hotmail. An email to you got a notice from my postmaster that it failed...yesterday evening.
thanks for dropping by bro.
it was shocking, mixed with anger when i received the bill. i mean, why wld i wanna use dial-up when my OKU streamyx package only cost me rm34 for unlimited time surfing? and much faster too?
just curious, r u A Malaysian In Riyadh amir or the Malay Mail amir?
its ok unc B. i have terminated the account. my only regret is that i can no longer use my rancid email. my long lost pals may not know how to reach me anymore. sucks.
Bro, neither :)
I'm a Malaysian in Malaysia and certainly not working in the Malay Mail.
You mentioned OKU Streamyx package; didn't even know of such thing. - Amir
my apology amir. whoever you may be i'm honoured to have you here sharing your thoughts.
yes there is such package. i guess its not that bad afterall being on wheels.
yes kerp....those scoundrels...should be from unreliable programmers we get to fix up or computers. I paid extra RM1500 in 5 months...just kept paying...until I got fed up...complaint personally...and it seems now better.
Watch out computer guys visiting your house!!
Mr Goh, i went down to TM point and got things sorted out. apparently the culprit was a long-lost friend. there was no fist fight and stuff but he's willing to pay the bill in full, as well as the next one.
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