But still they have yet to confirm who would be sent to planet Zorg. I mean, seriously, cant we have one already and stop playing the guessing game? Pick one, you damn Russians.
According to one minister it’s a normal process to pick one at the eleventh hour before blasting off. Sure man, sureeeee...
Hey, I don’t think one will be broken-hearted if the decision went against him. At least he wouldn’t sulk, pull a long-face and balik kampong for raya the first shuttle available, no. And I doubt the successful candidate would ever look down on the loser. I mean, come on, give him a break, he’ll be thousand of kilometers away from earth.
All the best to both. They’ve done us proud, and even prouder that they left the stupid teh tarik idea behind. Leave that to experts Dawood and Makbul, the real deal Kings of teh tarik.
Nice one, chief!
Check out Muteaudio, quite an interesting piece from him.
muteaudio brother,
its a forgone conclusion lar. i think all this hoo-ha is only to formalise things.
salam kerp,
biasa dah dengaq macam ni. even kalau nak bagi kerja, ratuih-ratuih pi interview, tapi sebenaqnya depa dah tau kerja tu nak bagi kat siapa.
Salam kerp:
tak kisah sapa yang pi..sapa rezeki lebih dpt lah . At least they will make us proud. Tapi yang akan dapat nama ialah puak2 yang dok berkuasa yang akan menjaja seluruh negara bahawa budak2 ni dapat pi sebab BN lah, atau sebab ameno lah.Aku bukan nak tuduh atau mengata tapi aku dah dengaq di melaka ni ada yg dok kata gitu, buat aku hangin separuh badan saja
kak accia,
betul tu. but in this case i guess yg mana dpt the other one wont feel too bad. they r equally good. pilihan mungkin tak berlandaskan rupa, tapi umur. sape lbh tua dia dpt. camtu lah kot.
saya sendiri pon harap mission to space ni tak dicemari politik. it shld be a Malaysian mission to be proud by all malaysians. harap2 takde la party mana2 claim this project to be theirs.
lagipon aku boring sikit dgn politik2 ni.
ler ... aphal lah stil tak confirm lagi ek? nyampah jugak bila orang buat macam-suspense like tht. :P
Bro Kerp:
Satu Malaysia suspense giler!!!! kah kah kah, sampai sekarang tatau sapa boleh pegi.... apa dia org ingat ni naik bas Rapid KL.
These people are so damn dense, they still think Malaysians in general are rather like katak bawah tempurung and terribly bodoh. Oh whatever!
I'll go for the real mamak! At least I can get a good cup teh tarik! :)
Salam Kerp,
Datang dari alamat di e-mel itu. Terima kasih.
Tahniah buat keduanya. Moga membawa 'hasil' penerokaan angkasawan itu. Tak kiralah siapa.
hi bro kerp.
lah..semua ni formaliti jek ek. penat je dok ngikut pkembangan dari mula. haih.
and so we have 2 astronauts...anyway, did u know that on NASA website our dr sheikh is being called the 'Malaysian Spaceflight Participants' and not as an astronaut???
i wonder why...hmmmmmmm
not so anonymous - Dee
Hey Danny,
Yes, thank God they abandoned the idea of pulling tea in outer space...
I wouldn't know whether to cringe, shudder, laugh or die of horror if they went ahead with it...
All the training just to go pull tea...
And then of course we've had jokers who said they're going to space to flip roti canai...
Even we as Malaysians are laughing ourselves silly (and dying of humiliation!), what more other countries?
Sis PJ,
Entahlah…kejap baca dah confirm kejap belum. In the star newspaper today it was said we can sms Dr sheikh while he’s up there. so has it been confirmed or what? Right?
Bg Mior,
This is more like an open secret lar…haha..
Lama tak nampak, bg mior. Hope things r looking up very well for your mother, insyaAllah.
Bro shah,
Eh, tell me, where’s your fav teh tarik joint? Mana lah tau we can lepak over a cup or two.
Black purple,
Sama lah, janji dianya org Malaysia.
Kalo2 ada apa2 aku email ko.
Terimang kasih kerno sudi teko…hahha…
Yo sis! If you read the star today you’ll pretty much get the idea who will be launched into space. Really. its clearly written.
‘Malaysian spaceflight participants’? ok this is interesting. I’m too lazy to go thru nasa’s website so lets just wait if anyone would bring this one up in the next few days or so. When r u taking us for buka @william’s?
Daphne dear!
I tell u if they went ahead with the teh tarik idea and other silly things like the one u mentioned, I’d probably drop my citizenship and take up a papua new guinea PR or some place weird.
No offense, teh tarik, roti canai, gasing they’re all part of us Malaysians and I AM very proud of it but this space mission is much more beyond the visit Malaysia year. Time to really show the world we are more than just a nation with interesting culinary on the table..
yea its dr sheikh. mmph...predictable.
our so called angkasawan... he is pelawat angkasa ler...
thanks for dropping by ...
My fav joint? Well, considering I've cut down on night life a whole considerable lot, I would have to say its at Naina in Kota Damansara - a walking distance from my house; would not be fair on you, would it?
Where's yours?
Trust me, sister. It’s the hunkier fella, alright.
Now this is the 2nd time I’m hearing this. pelawat angkasa? As in, tourist instead of qualified astronauts? I’m playing the waiting game and see what others may have something to say.
Thanks for crossing over, man.
Bro shah,
Like yours, mine’s near my place too, the FAS curry house. Its also the place for the selangor footballers hangout after heavy training. Dollah salleh is one regular face u’ll get to see hanging out there.
1 lagi makbul tmn tun. Near your place. Perhaps we can meet up there sometime. Hey, drop a note or 2 to blogger mat salo. He lives in kota damansara too. nice dude he is.
babe...this is wut the caption under the picture on NASA website says:
"The Expedition 16 crew members pose for a portrait at the Johnson Space Center. From the left (front row) are Russia's Federal Space Agency cosmonaut Yuri Malenchenko, flight engineer and Soyuz commander; astronaut Peggy Whitson, commander; and Malaysian spaceflight participant Sheikh Muzhaphar Shukor. From the left (back row) are European Space Agency (ESA) astronaut LĂ©opold Eyharts, astronaut Garrett Reisman and astronaut Dan Tani, all flight engineers"
For more please visit : http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/expeditions
And I am proud to say that the commander of this whole expedition is a LADY!!! Go Girl Power....
Diana Yusoff melaporkan untuk Buletin Utama TV16....
Eh 'bro, I'm not gay when I'm telling you this - a lot of your female readers will consider you 'a hunk' and will take you over that dokto Sheikh any day (just don't tell your GF tho' bro').. Heh.
Lupa nak tanya bro', as an ARSE lover when will you give your take on that pseudo-Muslim Russian billionaire Si-Osman, err Usmanov? Is he gonna be like Abrahmovich who clashes with his manager and leave his team in disarray?
ya lar. spaceflight tourist huh? perhaps that sounds better than space tourist. this is not good and somebody owes an explanation. may i shld take this one in the open out but i'll wait till someone else does first.
bg mat,
aiseh i'm no hunk la bro but good enough that my girlfriend thinks i am. haha...
seriously, as a gooner, i dont think we need mr usmanov or any roman-clones when we have wenger at the helm. and with full-crowd in every home matches, we're the 2nd richest club in the world. so alisher usmanov can keep his billions in the bank.
bg mat, keep us informed if there's any post-raya gathering.
Well I thought the Russians have made up their mind? Could they have got a phone call from PJ, or they would like to give Malaysians first hand experience in Russian Roullete, you know the one bullet in the chamber game? Who survuves gets to go.
ahh yes, russian roulette. the game of life, and death.
apparently there's an even bigger concern than who shld be picked. its whether these 2 fellas r real astronauts or not. damn i shld quit bothering abt this whole space thing lar.
Salam bro,
I did like you suggested and have communicated with bro mat salo.
Ok, any meet we'll be having will have to wait till Ramadhan is over ok. When we do, let's do it near your place; I've not been there for a long time.
ok, cantek. definitely after raya and all. we'll get mat salo to join in.
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