Friday, September 19, 2008

Ahmad for senator post

As usual, I had a long pangsai session last night, and while at it cant help but to ponder on our country’s current state of affairs. The political development stinks like hell it made the whole bathroom smells like being in a public cab.

I concur with one beer-bellied buddy that we have been too soaked up on the political skirmishes we missed on stuff that craves for our attention more.

Like in my case; it’s the disability issue.

Much have been said and we’re beginning to sound like scratched CDs.

Some may remember the posting I did sometime back when Datuk Ismail Md Salleh was duly appointed to represent the disabled community in Dewan Negara. The appointment was received with mixed reaction within the community but me forever being an optimist, gave him all the benefits that he’d kick some balls hard while enjoying the parliamentary immunity.

But its been 9 long months. All we hear were more and more grouses. When Mr Senator were supposed to speak on the community’s behalf, it appears that he lacks the fire-power that we had hoped for. The Sepultura we anticipated turns out to be a mere Air Supply.

We’ve got the Persons with Disability Bill 2008 past some 2 months back that needs to straighten out urgently. Because once enforced, it would certainly mean our welfare will finally be seriously looked into.

The by laws in the act are in some ways, capable to protect us from being oppressed by you lot. Its like, you screw with us, we fucking shove up screws and pliers up your ass in return and get protected by the law. Or something like that.

So we need that badly. And we are gravely in need of someone who can handle the bazooka, which the current senator lacks the quality required.

I’m sure Datuk Ismail has tried his darnest best but honestly without sounding too mean, I think its best he made way for a new face to take over the mic.

Can somebody enlighten me if senators can be replaced when the incumbent fails to perform? Or to put it simply, flops?

The next question in everyone’s mind; will the real senator-material please stand up?

No pun intended but I’ll handle that.

Ahmad for senator post 2009!


Mat Salo said...

Scratched CD bro'? First one heard since 'broken record' heh.. That's just me coming from the vinyl generation..

Lu pangsai tak spray deodorant dulu ke? :)

Betul bro'.. hal2 semasa ni banyak meng-distractkan dari real issues at hand...

senorita.. said...

it's the shit isnt it... that connects everything. =/

Pi Bani said...

Yang sebenornye teman pun dah fed up with all the politicking and politalking... tapi bila dok bloghop orang gemor benor masuk bab-bab politik ni... termasuk le sorang kawan teman yang konon nak jadi senator tapi baru nak gi jumpa tuan puteri pun dah kecut perut... ;)

Kerp (Ph.D) said...

Mas Salo,

Yea man, broken record sounds a bit too ancient lah…muahhaha…

I’m not running from the country’s main concern but I believe all of us have our own worries to deal with. Lets not get too distracted.

*Mat, raya will be around ke?


As the saying goes, different shit but with similar pungent smell.

Kak Pi,

Alaa kak Pi…kat mana lagi nak dapat balance news kalau tak blog and online news portal. Hari2 kena suap dgn berita dari tv3 pon tak boleh jugak. Mana tahan hari2 kena tipu..muahaha…

This senator wanna-be tak kecut perut kalau jumpa tuan puteri raja farina…hehehhe…

anfield devotee said...

Senators are unfortunately appointed by the ruling party. And sorry to say, benefits & welfare of the handicapped aren't high on their list of priorities right now . . . if it ever was.

Maybe you should run fer office lar. Have you approached PAS? They could field you in the next by-election. How bout it dude - first ever PAS-endorsed Porno freak?

ps: Me sees this beer-gut thingie is beginning to be a recurring theme . . .

cakapaje said...

Salam kerpie,

Ahmad for Senatorship! Yup! I totally agree. Next, he'll form a youth cadet and go for anyone who he thinks is not pure. Yup!

ps. You do mean that Flag Hill Ahmad, don't you?

Anonymous said...

Wei .. pangsai also must let the whole world know ah, Kerpov .. some more must tell everyone how smelly ... hahahaha .. you expect those "IMPORTANT" people to consider the "kurang upaya" folks eh? Sorry la .. I don't think they even realise the existence of such folks.

Unknown said...

If you don't elect Ahmad Ismail as a senator he would be shouting OKUs are pendatangs. Elect him la to represent the disabled but to qualify for it he must be one.

Tinesh said...

I agree with Cikgu. Break his leg first :D

Salt N Turmeric said...

mentang2lah im not in the country, kononlah tak kecut perut jumpa ye? :P

politicians ni masalahnya bila dah dipilih bukan boleh ditukar anytime we want kalau tak suka. (You kno macam tukar kasut tu) like tht bertambahlah tak stable keadaan negara sbb kejap2 tukar menteri. kejap2 tukar perdana menteri. ooppss!

Kerp (Ph.D) said...

Bala ji,

I believe since our country’s inaugural parliament sitting, woes concerning the disabled community have never been their top priority. Hence, it was the very reason datuk ismail, a visually impaired was appointed to change all that. sadly he flops bad time, imho.

*rest assured your tummy joke ends here…

*will give ya a call one of these days. Ada sikit mau cakap.


This ahmad I was referring to was yours truly…haha…me for senatorship and kick the shit out of bung.

Aunty iris!

In dewan negara, we do have our own rep as I pointed out- datuk ismail md salleh who is visually impaired. But unfortunately he’s been eerily quiet since he first took the parliament seat. How la? Our own rep isn’t doing anything much for his people howto expect others to help?


Muahahahahahahaa…that ahmad fella if you didn’t notice as yet, is in fact part of the oku community, mentally.


Broken leg is not a permanent injury. Amongst the community, he’s something like…err…pendatang.


Good point but in our current state of affair, I’m making it an exception. Someone gotta be booted out ASAp.

*might freak out meeting Michael instead.

Anba said...

Bro nicely said ...
sepultura menjadi air supply hehehehe
Yup i do support ahmad ismail being elected...
mmg mr ahmad ismail OKU dari segi mental...
pikiran serong. sempit dan tidak matang...
p/s bro kita mng lagi...arsenal vs bolton team hantu kita...

Anonymous said...

This article revealed Dr Mahathir’s breathtaking hypocrisy. He lamented that race relations were deteriorating under Abdullah Ahmad Badawi without even considering that it is the culture of Umno, which he himself engendered, which is responsible for Umno’s racist and bigoted actions.

Racial division in Malaysia today emanates from one source only and that is - Umno.

Surely it was the fact that people of different races and religions were willing to unite which resulted in the unprecedented gains for the Opposition in the Mar 8 elections. In fact, the races have never been more united in Malaysian history.

Yes, there is a long way to go, but there has been a palpable sea of change. Race relations only apparently “deteriorate” when Umno instigates it using the media, religious government authorities and the police. The recent ISA arrests of 3 individuals under the pretext of national security and race relations were utterly disingenuous and could only be described as a synthetic charade.

When Dr Mahathir took over power, he emphasised Ketuanan Melayu. Racial division became the modus operandi of BN during his tenure. It was Dr Mahathir who in fact gloated that Umno could rule Malaysia without non-Malay support. So much for promoting racial harmony and Bangsa Malaysia.

Dr Mahathir inculcated the idea that non-Malays must accept the discrimination in the country if they wanted to prosper and live peacefully.

He rewrote Malaysian history, selectively applied the 1957 constitution and encouraged a racist agenda in the civil service reinforced by institutions such as Biro Tatanegara. Nevermind if the majority of the Umno bigwigs were not pure Malay, as long as they claimed to be Malay and were recognised as such, they could be leaders.

It explains why Dr Mahathir, whose Indian ancestors came to Malaysia little over 100 years ago, could volubly claim to be ‘indigenous’ but yet consider Baba Chinese in Melaka who have been here for almost 600 years as “orang asing”.

This is ‘Mahathirism’ in short - a Machiavellian ploy to exploit race and religion for financial gain and power. Dr Mahathir is shameless in his duplicity and the only reason why he was able to succeed was because he was a leader of a feudally minded people who were economically and educationally backward.

His Machiavellian psychological ploy was to engender a tongkat mentality in the Malay community to make them loyal to Umno.

Dr Mahathir was able to bring about a semblance of unity and economic progress during his tenure due to his dictatorial grip on all institutions of governance.

He was willing to share the wealth with the leaders of BN component parties as long as they acquiesced to his Ketuanan Melayu stipulation. It is no surprise that MCA and MIC leaders became immensely rich but had to sell out their communities as part of the deal.

It was only a matter of time that we would see Mahathirism unravel because it was based on a lie and was becoming economically, socially and politically untenable. Anwar Ibrahim’s sacking was a symptom of this. This led to the haemorrhage of support from Umno to PAS and PKR.

In order the stem the loss, Dr Mahathir, the arch secularist in a cynical and unconstitutional manner, declared Malaysia an ‘Islamic state’ to steal the thunder, as it were, from PAS. This further divided Malaysian communities as there was now a rivalry between PAS and Umno for Islamic credentials leaving non-Muslims confounded and alienated.

Badawi’s team saw this as an opportunity to wrest power from Dr Mahathir and seduced the rakyat with promises to end Mahathrism i.e. crony politics, police corruption, judicial corruption and religious and racial polarisation.

The gullible rakyat responded by giving BN and Umno an unprecedented level of support in the 2004 elections. However, Abdullah squandered this opportunity to reform governance in Malaysia by reneging on his promises.

The overwhelming support seemed to make Umno even more arrogant to the extent that it actually put into practise the notion that it did not need other parties or communities to rule.

This explains the arrogant and politically naive rhetoric by Khairy about Penang needing a Malay chief minister, the brandishing of the keris by Hishamuddin Hussein at the Umno general assembly, the demolition of a Chinese temple in Penang and the escalation in Hindu temple demolitions.

We recall that at the Umno conference which was held on Deepavali day, a delegate had the audacity to say that the temple issue was a ’small matter’. Khairy then went on to make his infamous speech about Indian news vendors “who controlled the business” not distributing his father-in-law’s speech because they chose to go on holiday.

This was just the tip of the iceberg of a cumulative set of events from 2004 till now which have left Malaysians feeling bitterly short-changed and cheated by Abdullah.

I personally believe that Umno is not capable of reform under Abdullah, a man who has never been known to stand for anything other than being a ‘Mr Nice Guy’. His promises for reform were at best well intentioned. The landslide win in 2004 made Umno think that they already had a winning formula and so why rock the boat and change?

Well, Mar 8 saw the rakyat waking up and bringing about change which they had been yearning for. The multiracial opposition smashed the psychological two-thirds majority of BN without any violent racial conflagration as a consequence.

It was a cathartic event for all Malaysians. It demolished the self -serving Mahathir mantra that a two-thirds majority was required for political stability. In fact, people began for the first time to see BN majority rule as a liability.

Umno does not appear to have learnt anything . It still behaves like a “one man show” when it cannot afford to do so. MIC and MCA are lame duck parties which are incresingly seeing the wisdom of distancing themselves from Abdullah’s Umno, which arrogantly pushed them aside when they won with a landslide in 2004.

Umno is now riddled with hopeless division and scrambling for power that it does not seem to realise that it is weak and needs to build up multi- racial support, otherwise it is as good as dead in the long run.

The current irrational actions by Umno to arrest people under ISA under bogus excuses betrays a pathetic mindset which sees the Malays as tools to be manipulated for Umno’s own self-serving ends.

Malays know that it was an Umno warlord who uttered racist comments against the Chinese, yet the journalist who reported it was arrested.

Malays now know that Khir Toyo's allegations were the pretext for Teresa Kok's ISA incarceration. The mosque in question has categorically said that Teresa was not involved in the azan petition and that the low volume of the azan was due to a technical fault.

Malays know from reading Raja Petra’s blog that he has always stood for justice and Islamic values. The arrests have further undermined Abdullah. It would appear that Abdullah’s administration is in complete disarray and this is in no small way is due to his utter incompetence.

To be fair to Abdullah, he inherited the rot which Dr Mahathir had set in motion. I would go as far as to say that Dr Mahathir is to be blamed for all the nonsense we are witnessing now. Abdullah’s fault lies in his inability to reform Mahathirism.

Malaysia and Umno needs Mahathir now

Anonymous said...

To be fair to Abdullah, he inherited the rot which Dr Mahathir had set in motion. I would go as far as to say that Dr Mahathir is to be blamed for all the nonsense we are witnessing now. Abdullah's fault lies in his inability to reform Mahathirism.

Malaysia and Umno needs Mahathir now like the proverbial hole in the head.

Kerp (Ph.D) said...


Team hantu? Muahahahaha…

How I wish it was May already. Lets not get carried away bro. the season’s only 5 games old. But I’m cherishing the moment while we’re on top, at least till the next game.

Anonymous said...

kerpov..haha...pangsai and politics, stinks and sounds good together at the same time. Have a blessed Raya, hugs from MK

Anonymous said...

Salam kenal, salam ziarah dan salam ramadhan dan selamat hari raya daripada Kak Iris Ixora.

Kerp (Ph.D) said...


still early for the raya greetings, dont you think? i'll only be doing my rounds next week...gotta finish off loads of stuff before i can finally enjoy the raya suasana.

iris ixora,

hey, thanks for the well wishes. salam berkenalan juga dari saya. salam aidilfitri akak.

oh, and thanks for droppoing by this humble blog of mine.

Anonymous said...

wei...kerpov...I am in the raya mood oredi. For the first time..the entire clan is celebrating raya at my home, so no balik kampung for me this year, trip to the island pun cancelled! its going to be non stop cooking, cleaning from this weekend till next weekend..woohoo..cant wait for it haha :D

Kerp (Ph.D) said...


me too actually. am sooo into the mood i dont feel like doing any work. but my target is to get all cleared up by friday and then, RAYA!!


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