At the last count, at least 220 children’s lives are lost and more than 3000 have been wounded in Gaza Strip, no thanks to the act of terrorism by the Israelis.
I’m taking the cue from Madame Elviza to spread the word around on Mercy Malaysia’s behalf. They are appealing for cash donation, which will be used to acquire emergency surgical kits, medicines and other hospital equipments to be supplied to the hospitals there in Gaza.
Here’s how you can help and with this small contribution I sincerely hope we could make one huge of a difference.
I’m taking the cue from Madame Elviza to spread the word around on Mercy Malaysia’s behalf. They are appealing for cash donation, which will be used to acquire emergency surgical kits, medicines and other hospital equipments to be supplied to the hospitals there in Gaza.
Here’s how you can help and with this small contribution I sincerely hope we could make one huge of a difference.
*Cheque is to be made payable to “MERCY MALAYSIA” and addressed to Mercy Malaysia, Level 2, Podium Block, City Point, Kompleks Dayabumi, Jalan Sultan Hishamuddin, 50050 Kuala Lumpur.
*Cash donations can be made via on-line transmission or deposit at CIMB Bank Account No: 1424-000-6561053.
*Further enquiries are to be directed to +603-22733999 or info@mercy.org.my
Why not you join Elviza as a volunteer with Mercy?
And let's not forget to pray for peace in Palestine and everywhere else!
Did u donate to the families of Sept 11 (911) victims?
Did u post up an article calling for donation to the Sze Chuan Flood victims?
If u r really a sincere and fair person, u would donate to every single soul who needs aid. Not just Palestinians and Muslims.
So before u use harsh words on me in other blog comment section. Please reflect your own sincerity and truthfulness.
And before u all condemn Israel, look at who started firing rockets at Israel first.
Afterall, this is a complex political thingy involving israel and Palestine. I dunno why Malaysia (already in pending econ turmoil) still acting like "big brother" trying to get pathetic attention. Even the middle east countries are not giving a shit for it. Egypt is not even opening up its border to aid those poor Palestinians. And u have this BolehLand idiots trying to get some worldwide attention.
And oh by the way, I have already donated USD100 to the Palestine Aid Fund. So don't u dare judge me as a fanatic, as in thinking I don't help Palestinians and siding Israel.
To me, they should ceasefire. But at least I dont side any of them. Who cares they are Muslims or Jewish. To me, there shouldnt be war.
But it is only Malaysia that everytime some Muslim countries get "bullied", they stand up immediately with all sorts of street protest and yelling in front of the embassies. They dont even look at who is at fault first.
Pak Z,
I wish I could but as it is right now, am involved with a few support group focussing on plights from the disabled. It’s the time factor. Would be exciting tho to join Mercy. Maybe in the future.
Kak Pi,
Yes, InsyaAllah. As it stands now, death toll are rising, I’m praying for the Israelis to cease fire, that’s all that matters for now before more lives are lost.
If you’re trying to put that I’m a racist, you’re way off the mark. whether I parted some dough for the 9/11 or the sze chuan victims is none of your concern, I am not answerable to you. I’ve played my part and the only people who should matter are those at the receiving end.
Dude, you donated usd100, and I’m glad you played your part regardless of who the victim was. The Israelis killed hundreds and thousands of innocent children and obviously the party we’re condemning here are the murderer, and not the defenceless kids.
Good work man.
thanks sir. its the least i could do in playing my bit.
Thank you little bro!
hey, they have heaps of street protest in Wellington, New Zealand n for all causes... e.g Tibet, n most recently, the Gaza war... dude, it's not only Malaysia.
no prob, sis. its the least we could do to help out.
its everywhere. this is not a religious matter, but humanity.
tuan kerpNapp,
GOOD ON YOU MATE. have got similar aspirations to make worth of my lousy blackarsed self in some way; hope this is something i can remain committed to. and not hot-hot-chicken shit. as always keep on rantin' and ravin yu freakin gooner in heat!:)))
p.s. couldn't log in the password la kerp, i must have screwed it up somewhere. later mon.
kerp: Thanks for the useful info. it really is scarry what is going on over there. Hope our politicians are planning to do more than just sit and talk about it in parliament.
Moz: what happen to you man.. long time no see.
Almost all blogs are talking about Gaza.
Donate as much as you can afford...but sit back and think..how many times have you read such sad news...and will the donations help to bring the three tiny tots back to life?
How many times....all over the world...against Israel..and 42 times USA blocked UN resolutions..to take actions on Israel.
So..is Osama Bin Laden a terrorist or a Freedom Fighter?
I am sick to the stomach talking about this subject...when ever the three dead babies picture..appear in my mind.
Mahathir wants to punish innocent USA companies...even tell Malaysians to stop working for US companies.
This man is daily exposing...his sick brain. I hope pro Mahathir will wake up and learn. He cannot play act ....control his brain...play acting...like before to fool Malays.
Dear bro kerp, (sorry ah, slightly off tangent.)
Me has refrained from posting on this sticky issue but recent talk of boycott by vvips & the less-informed/emotional brethren among us leads me to ask:
Just how is a boycott of American goods gonna affect their economy? WHo is going to suffer?
And let's say fer the sake of argument, the US responds by pulling their involvement out of our already fragile economy? Even a temporary embargo will send our fortunes down the tubes.
Lest we forget, the US are our BIGGEST trading partner.
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a complex, tricky & emotional issue.
Boycotts aren't gonna do jack shit except make many more people here who need jobs suffer.
Just wish the Mighty Tun wouldn't stir up people's emotions fer the sake of his own ego. We know la, he & his family kaya fooking raya. Many of us aren't so lucky.
Boycott American companies? Bye bye Microsft Word, Google, Yahoo & whatever else everyone here is using to post their thoughts . . .
ps: However, well done to you fer highlighting Mercy's humanitarian work. Sorry if me rant above offended yer sensibilities.
Thanks man. It’s the least I could think of to perhaps, contribute in lessening their burden. It may be tiny, but who knows how huge a different it could make.
*kerpnapp? Muahhahahahaaaaa….
Yea, hope our leaders will do more than just talk. I’m taking it positively that with all the funds set up to be channelled to the hospitals in Gaza, it would lessen some of their burden.
Mr goh,
Regardless of whether osama is a freedom fighter or a terrorist, innocent lives are robbed daily. The setting up of all the funds is to help those injured and hopefully lives could be saved.
Bala ji,
Hey, its fully up to the individual. Personally I’m not in favour of such move. My rationale behind it is simple- imagine if everyone boycotts one cola brand for example, factory workers will lose their job, and keep in mind they are locals. Internationally, they could feel the pinch but its our countrymen who will be directly affected.
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