This reminds me of one guy whom I am very close to. During his younger days, he was a real slacker. He was such lazybones he would rather be out in the street strumming his guitar away than breaking his bones in workplace. And his rock-ish appearance made it difficult for him to mix amongst the society, let alone securing a job.
Being a metalhead, people tend to associate him with drugs. True enough, he got himself involved in all those junk shit he became so pathetic he almost took his own life. Once, after a failed attempt that was when it really hit on him hard to sit down and think thoroughly of the mess he’s made, to his family, friends, society and critically, himself.
I was with him when he dropped the bombshell of turning a new leaf. I mean, knowing him like forever, I could almost see the determination written all over his face and I knew it back then that he really meant what he said.
Although he maintained his looks and passion for rock music, all the cannabis and shit was soon behind him as soon as he embarked himself career-wise. Just like Anthony Bourdain who started his culinary career as dishwasher and went on to become a world’s renown chef, this fella did the same by getting a job as an office boy. Slowly he rose up the rank climbing the corporate ladder by beating the odds and took all the shits thrown at him.
Like any typical successful story, a low-life nobody turning into a millionaire is no big deal but what’s extraordinary about this guy is he managed to juggle between his hectic office hours to basking on the street to make ends meet. He got his big musical break after during one of the sessions, he was spotted by a well-known record producer Rick Rubens and eventually recorded his multi-million hit single.
After only several years, those who looked down on him back when he first started has turned admirer for his dedication in striving in the rat-race of corporate world and the ever-so competitive world of showbiz.
I’m proud of his achievements and his status as one of the country’s one and only zillionaire tycoon but prouder to have stuck around through thick and thin giving him all the moral support and shit. without sounding too gay, we treated each other like any brothers would. I have been told many times that we look so much alike and bear quite an exact resemblance.
I mean seriously, do we really?

Ok time to get down to work.
OMG!!! It never occured to me until you posted this!!!
YES, you two DO look exactly the same - especially the HAIR!! And to think that you know each other, and I'm his #1 fan?!!!
Can get autograph for me, please?!
(Kah!Kah!Kah!!! Saja melayan...)
whoaaa!!Cayalah Rambut pinjam lagi ke?
ps: bakal calon kut? :D
Salam Kerp:
Yeah that dude sure maintained his rock identity.
He sure looked like your long lost brother of yesteryears.
Are you sure he didn't bcome a tycoon by selling ice or xtasy or grass?
Seriously 100% similar. Are you sure you don't have a twin? Hehehe. Cerita pun seriously dah nak macam best aje. Sekali....
Salam bro!
Wah! That metalhead shithead (borrowing your phrase) made it to the fortune magazine! Caya lah!
But then...on close look lah, he looks like that escaped loon who went to save his brothers somewhere in Sepilok lah!
lol! You nearly had me there! Kena kau sebiji!
But honestly, that was very well written.
salam kerp,
haahaaha....heleh... i knew it was coming when you said 'this reminds me of one guy whom i am very close to.' haaahaaahaa....kelakarlah you kerp!
seriously kerp, part of the story reminds me of myself. especially part 'sit down and think', 'dropped the bombshell' and ' the determination written...'. i totally shut myself.
dah basuh lom wig tu??
Cannabis huh? Intriguing. Where would one score that if say one is interested in getting wasted. Just an inquiry, nothing to it....
What? Huh? No of course not. My cute innocent face, let me show you it.
I don't see any resemblance to you at all. Looks more like KJ and a little bit of Pak Lah.
Slowly he rose up the rank climbing the corporate ladder by beating the odds and took all the shits thrown at him.
Eh, are you sure this metalhead climbed up the corporate ladder? Bukan snakes and ladders ke?
Kak Shana,
At first I thought I I managed to pull your leg. Should layan all the way la kak shana…hehehe…
Kak Mariannie,
It was the same picture. Rambut tu dah hilang mana ntah.
*ada rupa politician ke? Hehhe…
hehehe…the same bloke from the 80s fame. Only now he has become a rich tycoon selling amway products…hehehe…
this was my imaginary twin from the 80s. cerita aku ok ke, mal? Hehehe…liat nak start keje, so I came up with this shit…
Salam tuan shah,
Hehe, thanks bro. too lazy to start doing serious stuff la. Had a blasting weekend and to suddenly wake up on a Monday morning felt like a real nightmare. I think writing something like this can be my forte, what you think ha? At least for this GE season je..hehehe…just to loosen up some veins.
Kak E! saw it coming only from the 2nd paragraph? So hard to pull your leg la like that. .hehe…
Saje je tulis something like this. yang tak elok dijadikan sempadan je…
*wig tu ntah mana hilang ntah. It can be useful for any themed company dinner.
Ok not too sure where you’re leading me into but that’s a cute face, as cute as nemo.
A wasted person gets to score with an equally wasted partner.
Give me sothinathan or mahfuz or even kating anytime but please not that kery fella la…what a real insult I tell you…hehhehehehe…
Kak Pi,
Hehehehe…tak main la snake and ladder. Orang kaya main chess and backgammon je…hah!
Fuck!! I thot it was a real fucking story till the Rick Rubins part..I was like who the fuck in Msia got signed by rick?? Hahaha
Rick's the best in the business, isnt he? Mr Kerp would get his contract served on a silver platter, with a gold-coated Mont blanc pen just to sign under him. Kerp to replace anthony kiedis!
OK nobody deserves to be likened to KJ. I mean that is like being sentenced to hell for eternity multiplied by eternity to the power of eternity.
he sure is one fat fook of a rocker, especially if he was an ex junkie . . .
I hope this message will inspire more drug addicts to have the determinations to change for the better.
Mas, arek takon wae, nang endi kue tuku rambut koyok kuwi. Kok apik banget... Hahaha!
-wak jowopinter-
Yes, you said it well. To be likened to KJ is like you’re telling me I behave like a chimp!
This fat fucker is a fan of NOFX’s Fat Mike.
*dei chief, where have you be la brother? you and your elegant silence can cause some concern, especially on your health. Try and cut down on the beer to a keg a day la wei…hehe…
Mr goh,
Aiseh another one gone AWOL for a while. Nice to hear from you again sir.
Wak Purp,
Fuhhh…terpaksa tepon awek aku jap.
Aiseh, dia tgh drive la pulak…hehehe…
Err…nyong orak tuku rambut ni…
Tu je yang reti jawap….hahhahahahha…
*apa jadi dgn blogger id wak?
Bro.. I'm clueless. Fortune to magazine aper? And rolling stone? Lain laa kalau teman ana tu appear to appear on URTV ke Mangga ke. Baru laa bole consider dah make it.
Canabis tu nate aper? Cendol ke? Kena ngan pulut bes tak?
yea man, i know. AK is replacable. and so was fruciante. Navarro sucked big time!
Wong Salo,
URTV? aiseh, gimme a break la brother. I'd rather not make it to the big stage at all thn to be featured in mags thats only good at mongering half-truth.
No idea myself what fortune mags all about but its gotta be associated with the stinkin' rich.
cannabis tu a type of cendol most famous in colombia....hehehehe..
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