Public buses were totally, as in, TOTALLY out of the question. Read on our Pak Bilal's take and he'll tell you why.
Someone suggested I called up Mobiliti, an NGO body that provides transportation for wheelchair users all over the Klang Valley for a minimal fee. And with the predicament I would normally face like mentioned above, they should come in handy. Or so it seemed.
Credits to the volunteers behind it, Mobiliti is like a God-sent to most chair-bound people who lives around KL/PJ area. Its affordably cheap and reliable. Users normally make use of their service as it is very convenient to commute from their house to the hospital especially.
But not all things turns out rosy all the way. With only four vans in good condition available, bookings have to be made at least 3 days prior to the day you need them to take you somewhere. Priority is also given to commuters who needs it the most, for doctor’s appointment for instance. Chair-bound shoppers can kiss their Suria KLCC goodbye on busy appointments week. And no way there’s such thing as impromptu outing with Mobiliti, never.
So this can turn out to be quite not-so-convenient itself. There was one time right…when the day arrived to use it and the van was already waiting for me, I suddenly felt the unexpected urge to take a dump. Knowing how typically tight their schedule is, a user cannot keep the driver waiting or the scheduled user to be fetched next will end up late themselves. So like it or not, I had to canceled it.
Really, who would have some peace of mind through out the journey when you’re on the brink of shitting in your pants. Chances are, you will be farting yourself silly all the way and cause discomfort to the poor driver. That is of course, IF you’re lucky enough not to make a mess. That would top the list as the most disastrous outing of your life award.
You know, that has always been the case. The unexpected. We may have all the itinerary in hand but not all things go on smoothly as planned.
This is where whoever responsible should come in and play more active roles instead of setting up royal commission this and shitty national corridor that. This is national issue after all, no less.
We need at least 3 more of Mobiliti-like services here in KL alone and comrades from other states would demand from whoever shit to provide similar services at least in major towns across the country. Relying solely on the NGOs will not solve it. I mean if that’s the case, then maybe them NGO fellows should be given the chance to contest all seats in the next GE themselves.
Come to think of it, why don’t we just let the NGOs run the country. From the way I see things, they’re capable of getting the job done.
And…I sure to vote for a certain transport-based party called Partai Mobiliti Se-Malaysia (PMS) or something like that weird shit for example.

The Rescuers
Yo Kerp Da Wheeler @ Iron-side,
Nice set of wheels, the party got there.
I think that is a very good service.
hey kerp,you sure u wanna vote a party called PMS (got other meaning also if u know what I mean hehehe)..anyway, i'll vote for anyone as long as they are fm (u know where lah) and the contestant could be a monkey from the zoo for all i care, not much different between the real and human ones, so jangan nanti 'terkejut beruk pulak'...remember this line ka?
With election round the corner, it'll be a good time fer you to raise these issues with yer local MP, given its time fer em to go on a PR overdrive. Worth giving it a shit . . . oops, sorry . . . a shot.
ps: did you like the video I posted on me blog? Me thought it was fooking hilarious.
pps: I believe you owe Mozzy a huge TQ fer their excellent performace in making manure drop points! Will be waiting to see yer TQ advert on me blog real soon.
This is a very good service. 3 bucks for one journey, we’ve got ourselves a bargain here. but we need more. perhaps the Perdana Leadership Foundation might want to help out? Hehe…
Hiya Mary…
Yes I am very aware of that…hehehe…
When you think about it, its funny how the NGOs are capable of doing their job, especially for the unfortunates amid their financial tightness. Might as well let them run the management of our country.
For the coming GE, I’d rather something for personal use. I think the disabled groups already has stuff lining up for whoever shit wants our vote more.
*eh, I’ve said all I need in your blog la chief…hehehehe…and no way I owe moz anything. Them spurs fellas screwed up big-time lah.
very frustrating to concede the goal at the very death..
Salam bro,
Hullo! Don't lah put Pak Bilal...I don't qualify to be a muazin you know, let alone carry Bilal's r.a. name. Malu tau...
salam Shah,
it will motivate you to play more active role in your local surau, insyaAllah...hehehe...
Hmmm... I don't think I'd want to vote for PMS... ;)
kak Pi,
aiseh...nothing to do with the premenstrual syndrome la woi. this is the real deal fictitious Partai Rakyat...
u kno wht? the van tht they use look pretty nice. didnt expecct tht tho.
p.s. iv done my tag. ;)
Salam. You will be surprised a stream of helpers will be coming over to your place to pick you up to go to the polling station when the GE comes. Hopefully they won't forget to send you home hahahaha.
The next government will set up a new ministry to look after the handicapped persons better. As it everybody seems to be very vague as to who is really supposed to look after them.
Agree with you the NGOs can do a better job. All they need to do is provide the NGO with sufficient funf.
Hello mrs Carr,
They do. but to us what matters the most is the pleasant journey. Its air-conditioned and the drivers are all friendly-bunch.
*thanks for being a sport. Will drop by your site in a bit.
Pak Z,
Come GE, I’d sure to be nowhere near the polling station.
But whatever the outcome may be, this idea of a special ministry taking care of the OKUs sounds very appealing. its safe to say that the present Women, development something2 ministry didn’t help much some may think I’m being ungrateful but with all the predicaments I’ve been facing first hand does suggested so.
Thanks for dropping by, sir.
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